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Site Surveys and Field Support

The recent increase in both the pace and scope of environmental legislation and regulation continues to impact upon businesses irrespective of their type, size or location. Responsibility for the correct handling and storage of liquids lies with the owner organisation (including protection from wilful acts of vandalism). The pollution of both land and water is regulated against by law and whether accidental or deliberate, can result in prosecution leading to fines and other related costs both tangible and intangible (i.e. damage or harm to both image and reputation).

The Environment Agency’s policy is to vigorously pursue prosecution of both company and individuals responsible for any infringements of these regulations.
Fosse Ltd is a leading UK based supplier of spillage control and prevention equipment with several key awards for product innovation and development. We pride ourselves on the quality, performance and reliability of our products and services. In line with our commitment to assist both existing and potential clients in identifying their needs and requirements and in finding solutions to their spillage problems, we offer the following service;

A Site Assessment of your company’s current preparedness to deal with a significant spill.


Key Aims

  • Review all aspects of spillage response on site including liquid types and quantities.
  • Review how liquids are handled and stored, particularly the condition and suitability of secondary containment systems or fixed bunds.
  • Identify potential routes for the escape of liquids from site.
  • Identify potential spill hazards and/or sensitive areas
  • Audit current spillage response products and equipment.
  • Identify any shortcomings or non-compliance with statutory regulations / legislation.
  • Provide a comprehensive report incorporating recommendations for proposed additions or sensible improvements.
  • Address specific training needs.

This report can help provide the basis for an Environmental Management Spill Contingency Plan and can be used towards ISO 14001 compliance to improve upon your site’s current level of spill awareness and response.

Spill Training Academy

Bsif Accredited 1st Responded Spill Awareness & Response Course
Develop an awareness of the risks and threats associated with liquid spills and develop and understanding of safe and effective use of spill control resources

Train The Trainer Spill Awareness & Response Course
Enables the Trainer to train their team members in the basics of spill awareness and response, based on the BSIF Accredited 1st Responder Course

Marine Oil Spill Response Courses
Provides  a general introduction and awareness to all those involved in marine, port and offshore operations that may lead to a release of pollutants.
